Why Religion?
Why one should have faith on some religious doctrines? Why some one should be worshiped? Can we live without a religion or faith? It said that the Muslims worship a black stone? They say that, theirs is the faith preached by all the prophets from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ and lastly by Muhammad, may peace be upon them all. >>>>> How essential it is, that a man/woman declares his faith by pronouncing: “I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah (God) and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Prophet of God." Then he performs the worship, in four forms; daily five times prayers, Charity (Zakat) annually, Fasting (one month in a year), Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca once in life if one can afford).The perfect Muslim believes in the basic; principles of the Islamic faith. Find out more on this, and answers to question raised earlier: