Does human need to be guided?
It is said that human is a thinking, rational animal. He knows what is right and what is wrong, so does he/she need some additional source of Guidance? Some say ‘No’, while others say ‘Yes’ and still there are those who say ‘I Don’t know’. Where do YOU stand? God sent His messengers, and prophets, who were wise and human role modle, to guide the humanity, they left the scriptures for the followers: “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,”(Hebrews;1:1), “And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. After that, GOD guided some of them while deviation proved true against the others….”(Qur’an;16:36); "…And there never was a people, without a Warner having lived among them (in the past)."(Qur’an;35:24). Let us find out more: